About Me

Holistic Health Coach

Quantum Reflex Analysis Practitioner

Daoist Disciple at

Tian Hou Gong (Temple of Celestial Fire)


Hello, One and All. Thank you for taking time to get to know me. My name is RJ Deacon. I am here on this planet to heal and bring balance to the Land and Her inhabitants, I consider myself a shepherd of the Land. As a child I was able to sense the subtle energy within me, around me, and within others. I am one of many wounded warriors, as I suffered from chronic debilitating migraines with aura. Like many parents, mine took me to the doctor to seek help, only to be given prescription after prescription, which didn’t work and didn’t get to the root cause. Being an extremely observant individual, I started seeing patterns in what would trigger my migraines, which included certain flavor enhancers, preservatives in food, and other lifestyle choices. However, that was only part of the equation, it was also encoded in my DNA from my dad and his maternal side of my family. 

This all led me on a spiritual quest to understand the body and it’s energy systems. This Herculean quest started around 19 years old, and I have been walking this path ever since. I have always been fascinated by electricity, my uncle was an electrician and taught me about electrical systems, both theory and installation. Eventually I took this knowledge and discovered that humans actually have electrical current flowing through our body, which signals and controls our physiology, psychology, and spirituality. With the constant increase of non-native electromagnetic frequencies, (I.e, wireless raidiation, artificial light, etc.), and the dawn of the 5G world, it has become imperative we harmonize the subtle energy around us if we want to live a life of balance. 

Knowing that I was also genetically disposed to migraines, on my healer’s quest, I began studying how family patterns, traumas, and “curses” are passed down and/or programmed within us, and how to access and remove these dynamics so we can be free of these blocks. This all led me to the fields of epigenetics, kinesiology, astrology, divination, and other occulted arts and science. We all have basic human needs, and the idea is to get these needs met in a healthy, productive way, though we are genetically programmed to follow our ancestral blueprint. Through working with mysticism, I developed a system that is both intuition and science based, utilizing all the tools in my bag to help achieve harmony with its fullest potential. 

You can make all the difference.